Who We Are
We are your local church alternative.
We are distinct from other churches in our area:
We sing from hymnals (a new one published in 2013)
We are intentionally inclusive: ALL are welcome
We follow Reformed theology: God's grace, our gratitude
We are heavily involved in serving our community, especially Forney schools
We have different opinions and are all one in Christ, who is our peace
We are proof that you can be both faithful (love Jesus) and progressive (open to change)
We are reverent yet relaxed
We are traditional without being stuck in the past
We are small but not dying
And we are not just for Presbyterians!
We are a small, established church in the growing city of Forney, Texas. We are mission-minded, active within and for our community. We are theologically progressive, in keeping with the historic reformed phrase “reformed and always being reformed according to the Word of God.”
What a small church DOESN’T mean:
• A small church is not necessarily a dying church.
• A small church is not “a bunch of old people.”
• A small church is not two or three key families that control everything and fight amongst themselves.
• A small church is not stuck with old traditions with the mindset of doing things “the way we’ve always done it.”

We are proud to be a part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We share ministry with other Presbyterian churches through our regional council, Grace Presbytery. To learn more about Presbyterian beliefs and background, see Presbyterian 101 on our denominational website.